Invited my gfs over for some cupcake baking and fondant decor session!
Gf's artwork!
Fondant in Garden, hello kitty, doreamon, artistic impression mainly using edible markers, etc.
Here's mine!
Vanilla Cupcake
(make 9 6.5cm cupcakes)
165g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
105g full cream milk (room temp)
85g unsalted butter
120g caster sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1. Pre heat oven to 170degree
2. Shift flour, baking powder, salt together into a bowl (A)
3. measure milk and vanilla essence into another bowl. (stir to make sure its well mixed) (B)
4. Beat butter and sugar until its light and fluffy. (i used the help of an electric mixer and took approx 3min)
5. On low speed, add in egg and con't mixing
6. Add in shifted flour mixture (A) alternating with milk mixture (B) at low speed.
(1/3 of A, 1/2 of B, 1/3 of A, 1/2 of B, 1/3 of A)
7. Fill each cupcake to 2/3 full
8. Bake at 170 degree for 15-20 mins. Insert a toothpick and make sure it comes out clean with no runny mixture stain. If it does, con't baking for a few mins.
9. Leave to cool before frosting.
Buttercream Frosting
(make 9 cupcakes)
130g unsalted butter
40g icing sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1-2 tsp full cream milk
coloring (optional) - this time round, we added in 2 drops of red coloring to achieve the pink frosting in photo above
1. Place butter in mixing bowl and mixed till smooth
2. Add in icing sugar and beat till its light and fluffy
3. Add in vanilla essence and milk and continute mixing
4. Add in coloring if desired.
Fondant Deor:

You may refer to the decor tutorial and you are ready to replicate or create your own designs: